Arrival Cities: Hanoi

Time: 8pm, 04 – 05/04/2015

Venue: Tuồng Theatre Rạp Hồng Hà, 51 Đường Thành, Hà Nội

Tickets are free and can be collected from Monday 30th March at the reception of the Goethe Institute.

Arrival Cities: Hanoi is a music theatre and documentary film project with the Vietnamese Swedish

group The Six Tones, dealing with the dissolution of the relationship with tradition that urbanization

brings. In the performance, multiple voices and perspectives create an expansive portrait of a city

vibrant of memories from the Vietnamese countryside. Arrival Cities: Hanoi builds a narrative from the

life story of Lưu Ngọc Nam, an actor and costume maker in traditional Tuồng theatre. His travels in the

country, the home­sickness and his life long love for Tuồng theatre becomes the point of departure

for a piece of music theatre set at the threshold between traditional and urban culture. The piece was

premiered in Sweden in November 2014.


The piece is now played for the first time in Vietnam.

Opening hours Mon-Fri: 9am-12pm and 1pm-5pm

A seminar in which members of The Six Tones discuss the working process with the Swedish director

Jörgen Dahlqvist will take place in the DOCLAB series at the Goethe Institute on April 6 at 18:00.