Soundwalk Creation Workshop

DomDom and Echoes project present a joint workshop for creating soundwalks. Get the chance to create your own soundwalk during three days of workshops with Hans Sydow, sound artist extraordinaire from Denmark, the Echoes team, and Đom Đóm. You’ll learn all the skills necessary to create a soundmap, and get the chance to experience it! Only 200,000vnđ for three fun-packed workshops.

* Who can participate?

Any musician (self taught accepted) who: can record sound and has a computer.

* When?

– Monday, Nov. 17th 2014, from 9.00- 12:00

– Wednesday, Nov. 19th 2014, from 14.00- 17:00

– Thursday, Nov. 20th 2014 from 14:00 to 17:00

* Where? Phu Sa Studio 21/52 To Ngoc Van, Tay Ho, Hanoi

* Registration: fill out an application at and click “Submit”.

Deadline: 12:00 – 11/15/2014. We will announce the results of selection to all of those registered.

Echoes Workshop


A soundwalk, or soundmap, is a map of sounds, each of which has a specific location. When you physically get near each sound, it plays, creating a continuous audio experience as you walk from sound to sound. You choose the direction and the sounds follow you. This is the concept of locative audio, and you’re probably already imagining the creative possibilities. The applications of our platform are numerous, from tourism: reactive audio tours of cities, custom themed tours where you can start and stop as you please and receive expert commentaries from a source you choose; to more subtle creative applications: musical experiences that react to your surroundings. We haven’t even mapped out the full possibilities yet.

In the workshops you’ll get the chance to work with Hans Sydow, we’ll give you an introduction to soundwalks and will present our experience with sound and the platform; a crash course in recording, preparing and editing sound (it helps if you have some experience, but it’s not necessary); and full instructions on how to create the soundwalks on the new web app.

In these workshops you’ll get an exclusive chance to use this brand-new platform (not yet released to the public) to create your own soundwalk, and you’ll get the chance to try what you’ve created out on the street!

Hans Sydow, who has been commissioned to create a soundwalk for Copenhagen, will be coming to Hanoi to work with Echoes, is an active sound artist and composer. He works in the field between poetry, sound and music, using language and concrete sound as a musical material. He received a three year grant in 2007 for work with music communication, and since 1996 worked to make history come alive through sonic retelling.

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